Special event: 24 hours of Zazen around the world (September 23rd and 24th).


Contact form

Do you have a question about the practice or would you like to introduce yourself? Send us a message and we will gladly answer it.

During July and August, the online dojo of the kosen sangha, northern hemisphere, will remain open only for zazoom on Thursday at 07:00, Saturday at 11:00 and for kesa sewing on Friday at 14:00. It will reopen on Sunday 1 September.
We hope to see you at the summer camp at Yujo Nyusanji temple. The direct contact with the sangha is particularly important for you who practise online.

Social networks

To stay in touch and follow our news:



Sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji Zen Temple

Find out about upcoming sesshins (retreats dedicated to zen meditation).