Special event: 24 hours of Zazen around the world (September 14 and 15).


Discover our selection of videos to explore
and deepen the practice of Zen.



Sessions extracts


The online dojo, Latin American times, continues during the summer with four zazens:Tuesday 7.00am, Wednesday 7.00am, Saturday 11.00am and Sunday 11.00am. The usual schedule ends after Sunday 29 December and resumes on Tuesday 11 February. You are all welcome to join the sangha at the Shobogenji temple for the summer camp.

The online dojo, European hours, closes during the Christmas holidays, on the last Friday before Christmas, 21/12, after sewing, and reopens for the first Friday of 2025, 3/01. You are all welcome to join the sangha at the Yujo Nyuzanji temple for the winter camp.

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Sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji Zen Temple

Find out about upcoming sesshins (retreats dedicated to zen meditation).